How to Get Job Vacancies Sent (to Your Inbox) on Autopilot.
How to set up a completely automated Job vacancy search system in 5 minutes or less!
Finding a job is tough at the best of times but in the middle of a recession it can seem even more difficult. At Market Shapers Executive Recruiting we often get asked by candidates “where else can we look for work? and how do you find job vacancies? Well here is a review of one system I believe will be a game changer for anyone seeking work, be it permanent or temporary.
There are of course numerous articles online about all the “best practices” for job search like, networking, tips on CV writing, searching the News papers, interview techniques but lets face it these are often just rehashed articles and usually offer little help when you need to find a job, even if it is just a temporary one to help pay the rent, while searching for a perfect permanent position.
Most of us have CVs posted online at all the usual websites like LinkedIn, Monster and Careerbuilder as well as any number of alternative online job sites. However it takes hours of work each day just checking all these sites and reading the various job pages of newspapers in order to keep up to date with the latest job opportunities.
What if you could get Job vacancies delivered to your email every day for free? – You could save hours of Internet surfing to check job boards and get the latest job postings delivered to one central location – your inbox.
What if you could set up a system to deliver these job postings on complete auto-pilot without the need to purchase some expensive software? – Personally I am all in favor of systems that don’t involve any software, as so often that software needs to be upgraded and often costs more than can realistically be afforded by anyone looking for work.
Interestingly I have come across a system that allows you to do just that and additionally allows for work search globally. I admit that at first I was skeptical when hearing of this system that is used for lead generation by Internet marketers. I imagined that this would be too difficult or geeky to apply to us mere mortals with limited computer/online knowledge.
However upon reading this (well actually watching the videos) I quickly realized that this was absolutely amazing and could easily be applied by anyone in the job market, giving huge time saving benefits as well as much more control in anyone’s job search. Although originally developed to help Internet marketers generate leads for new business this system is perfect for anyone seeking employment, enabling you to get the most recent job vacancies delivered automatically (read without effort) to your Inbox. So don’t be put off by the marketing jargon, they have (thankfully) not yet realized the true potential of this easy to implement system.
To Find out More Go Here
What are the benefits when using this system?
- Global Search – look for work locally or in another town, state or country.
- Use free online resources – no extra costs.
- Organize and streamline your job search. Save Time!
- Set up and usage explained – in 4 short videos and a PDF with detailed instructions on setting everything up, with tons of screenshots. It really is SIMPLE to follow!
- Ability to get the most recent job offers from many sites of your choosing.
- Find businesses that are looking for the exact skills you have.
- Ability to look for both temporary and permanent positions.
- For freelancers and the self-employed – Get clients contacting you.
- Use this even after finding employment for a variety of time saving reasons.
Here a couple of responses from people using this system wrote:
Dave, this is beautiful! Simple and deadly effective tactic.
Anyway, although I’ve already got a few clients in Japan, I was having no luck even after 18 months of struggling with long-distance client acquisition. That changed yesterday when I got my first ever UK contract for $1,200 (£750) … and I seriously doubt I would’ve succeeded this time without Dave’s expert help in getting my offer sorted out -Nill Tokyo……..To read more
In summation, this is the most interesting system for anyone looking for work that I have had the privilege to review in over a year and is a huge benefit to anyone’s job search. Having used this myself I can honestly say that if you want to save huge amounts of time and find work quickly this is without a doubt a really easy way of doing so. This is a system that is being used effectively and from personal experience I can vouch that the customer service is fantastic. Do not be put off because the explanation is written for marketers online – this works a treat for job searches and is worth every penny.
However it is not my system and it does cost just $9.95 – That said this does come with a 30 day no quibble money back guarantee.
So to learn more or just check out the offer for yourself, just CLICK HERE.