Overview of the Market Shapers Integrated Executive Search Process (MSIESP)
Market Shapers proven Integrated Executive Search Process (MSIESP) identifies and recruits leaders that can and do make the difference to a business. We work with our clients to identify and recruit diverse talented candidates. This three-phased approach is the core of our business. At Market Shapers Executive Recruiting, we know that solving small and large-scale problems requires committed individuals with vision and determination. We find leaders that succeed and persist in the face of daunting odds.
Executive Search Phase 1
Initial Client Meeting – Market Shapers meets with the client to outline the executive search requirements, timelines and any extra organizational goals and directives.
Client Analysis – Market Shapers begins a thorough analysis of the client’s needs, identifies key opportunities for the incoming executive and defines a candidate profile that fits into the culture and organizational structure.
Candidate Marketing Plan– A laser targeted executive search marketing program is developed for each and every executive search based on the results of the client analysis. Market Shapers works with clients in the development of a position description with detailed information about the role, responsibilities, competencies and key opportunities needed to perform the position. The description also outlines the qualifying career and educational requirements.
Executive Search Phase 2
- Generate and identify candidate names
- Contact and interview potential candidates
- Create a short list of the best candidates interviewed
- Verify qualifications and conduct a basic background check of candidates on the short list.
- Present short list of candidates and get feedback from you
- Based on your feedback, narrow candidate choices to Three Interviewees and begin thorough reference checks. We also provide clients with our final thoughts on each candidate’s strengths and weaknesses.
- Offer and Negotiation – After a series of interviews and reviews of external references, clients select their preferred candidate and start the process of salary and offer negotiation. If requested, Market Shapers mediates in this process.
Executive Search Phase 3
On boarding and and Integration – Our research shows effective on boarding of new executives can help improve productivity and executive retention. To assist this process and to ensure long-term satisfaction, Market Shapers maintains close ties for up to 12 months after the candidate is hired with both the hiring client and the executive.
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Executive Search